eventus IBIZA

More than success
The privilege of being different

An unusual combination...
eventus Marketing was founded in 2006, followed by EVENTUS BOXING in 2009. eventus Marketing specializes in taking into account all aspects that a company needs to be successful (eventus).

EVENTUS BOXING trains beginners, advanced and, if required, ambitious boxers. The latter can be supported by eventus Marketing.

eventus Marketing

Whether business cards, flyers, brochures, banners, websites, T-shirts, advertising campaigns, strategy development or other... Our quality and experience will convince you!


As a licensed boxing and fitness trainer, I offer individual or group training. It is also possible to take a self-defense course!


Responsible company

Call or write us any time:

Ibiza, Hamburg, Marketing, Grafikbuero, Design, Logo, Grafik, Erstellung, Entwicklung Flyer, Prospekte, Visitenkarten, Beach, Rollbanner, Snow Flags, Schreibbloecke, Briefpapier, Einladungskarten, Firmenschilder, Fahrzeugbeschriftung, Getraenkekarten, Speisekarten, Plastikkarten, Plakate, Poster, Postkarte, T-Shirts, Poloshirts, Hemden; Druck, gestickt, Magnet Folien, Werbeplane, Oficina gráfica, diseño, logotipo, gráficos, creación, desarrollo flyers, folletos, tarjetas de visita, playa, pancartas en rollo, banderas de nieve, blocs de notas, papelería, tarjetas de invitación, rótulos de empresa, rotulación de vehículos, tarjetas de bebidas, menús, tarjetas de plástico, carteles, postales, camisetas, polos, camisas; impresión, bordados, láminas magnéticas, lona publicitaria, Traducción realizada, graphics office, graphics, creation, development of flyers, brochures, business, roll banners, writing pads, stationery, invitation cards, company signs, vehicle lettering, beverage cards, menus, plastic cards, Posters, postcards, Print, embroidered, magnetic foils, advertising tarpaulins, Ibiza, Boxen, Fitness, Training, Fitnessstudio, Kampfsport, Schulsport, Boxstudio, Kinder, Jugendliche, Selbstverteidigung,
Sportcenter, Verein, Sportschule, boxing, gym, martial arts, school sports, studio, children, teenagers, self-defense, sports center, club, sports, boxeo, entrenamiento, gimnasio, artes marciales, deportes escolares, estudio de, niños, adolescentes, defensa personal, centro deportivo, escuela depor

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